Vsaka posadka-tekmovalec dobi na mail potrditev prejema prijavnice in povezavo-link za enkratno prijavo na administrativni pregled. Vsaka posadka-tekmovalec se je dolžna prijaviti in rezervirati termin preko te povezave (linka). Rezerviranega termina se je treba držati. Neopravičena zamuda na administrativni pregled se kaznuje z globo 50 €. Sistem rezervacije termina je ¨prvi prijaviš – prvi rezerviraš¨. Rezervacija termina je možna do zadnjega roka za prijavo, nedelja 12. maj 2024. Objava rezerviranih terminov je ob objavi liste prijavljenih “Sportity”.

Datum in čas: Četrtek 23. maj 2024 od 09:00 do 18:00
Lokacija: AMTK Velenje, Rudniška cesta 3, Velenje

Datum in čas: Petek 24. maj 2024 od 07:00 do 09:00
Lokacija: AMTK Velenje, Rudniška cesta 3, Velenje

The administrative check will take place as follows:
Date and time: Thursday, 23. May 2024 from 09:00 until 18:00
Location: AMTK Velenje, Rudniška cesta 3, Velenje

Date and time: Friday, 24. May 2024 from 07:00 until 09:00
Location: AMTK Velenje, Rudniška cesta 3, Velenje

Each crew (competitor) will receive a confirmation of the entry form being received to their email address, along with a single-use link to an application form for the administrative check. It is mandatory for each crew (competitor) to apply for a time slot at this link and obey the set time for the administrative check.
Failure to comply with the set time (for any unwarranted reason) will result in a fine of 50€.
Reservations are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis, until Sunday, 12. May 2024. The reservation time slot list will be posted along with the entry list on Sportity.

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