

Press center bo odprt v petek 26. maja in soboto 27. maja od 10.00 do 21.00. Sedež press centra bo v VISTA PARKU, TIC Jezero v Velenju. Novinarji, ki se želijo akreditirati, naj imajo pripravljeno kavcijo v višini 50 €, ki jo ob vračilu PRESS telovnika dobijo povrnjeno. Akreditiranje izven uradnih ur in lokacije NI MOŽNO.

Press accreditations will be possible on May 26th and May 27th from 10.00 until 21.00 at VISTA PARK, TIC Jezero in Velenje. Any press that would like to get the accreditation, should have a deposit of 50 € ready which will be refunded when they return the PRESS vest. Accreditation outside the open hours and the location is NOT POSSIBLE.