Razpored tehničnega pregleda / Scrutineering venue and timetable

Vsaka posadka-tekmovalec dobi na mail potrditev prejema prijavnice in povezavo (link) za enkratno prijavo na tehnični pregled. Vsaka posadka se je dolžna prijaviti in rezervirati termin preko te povezave (linka). Rezerviranega termina se je treba držati. Neopravičena zamuda na tehničnii pregled se kaznuje. Sistem rezervacije termina je ¨prvi prijaviš – prvi rezerviraš¨. Rezervacija termina je možna do zadnjega roka za prijavo, Nedelja 12. Maj 2024. Objava rezerviranih terminov je ob objavi liste prijavljenih “Sportity”.
Datum in čas: Petek 24. maj 2024 od 07:00 do 13:00*
Lokacija: AMTK Velenje, Rudniška cesta 3, Velenje

* Točen čas bo objavljen ob potrditvi prijave na spletni strani
Rezerviranega termina se je treba držati v celoti, kazen za zamudo znaša:
do 30 minut 50,00 €
od 30 – 60 minut 100,00 €
več kot 60 minut po odločitvi žirije tekmovanja

Each crew (competitor) will receive a confirmation of the entry form being received to their email address, along with a single-use link to an application form for the scrutineering check. It is mandatory for each crew (competitor) to apply for a time slot at this link and obey the set time for the scrutineering check.
Failure to comply with the set time (for any unwarranted reason) will result in a fine.
Reservations are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis, until Sunday, 12. May 2024. The reservation time slot list will be posted along with the entry list on Sportity.
Date and time: Friday, 24. May 2024 from 07:00 until 13:00*
Location: AMTK Velenje, Rudniška cesta 3, Velenje

*The exact time slot will be published when the registration is confirmed.
Each crew or representative of the team must report to the scrutineering in its individual time. Any crew reporting late at scrutineering will be penalized as follows:
Up to 30 min 50,00 €
30 – 60 min 100,00 €
Over 60 min according to the decision of the Stewards

Dodaj odgovor

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. * označuje zahtevana polja