Obvestilo za tekmovalce

V sklopu letošnjega rallya bomo tekmovalcem v petek ponudili tudi možnost testa dirkalnika oz. shakedowna pred začetkom tekmovanja. Interesente vljudno naprošamo, da zaradi organizacije in petkovih časovnih omejitev opravijo tehnične preglede v četrtek. Servisna cona je v četrtek odprta od 12:00 do 21:00, tehnični pregledi so od 16:30 do 19:00, v petek pa se cona odpre ob 6:00, tehnični pregledi pa trajajo od 6:30 do 10:00.

Za vse ostale informacije se obrnite na naš email naslov info@rallyvelenje.si.

This year, our rally will also include a shakedown stage on Friday, giving the teams an opportunity to test their cars before the start of the rally. We are kindly asking all interested teams to attend scrutineering on Thursday instead of Friday, in order for us to be able to organize the shakedown more efficiently. On Thursday, the service park is open from 12:00 until 21:00 and the scrutineering is from 16:30 until 19:00. On Friday, the service parks opens at 6:00 and the scrutineering is from 6:30 until 10:00.

Please contact us at info@rallyvelenje.si for any potential questions.

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